Debt Financing In 2025: Your Two Options

These are the two options for a growing company seeking commercial credit in 2025.

Traditional Banks

While traditional bank financing can be great, emerging growth companies typically cannot obtain traditional bank financing. When a bank reviews a company with high growth, the bank sees risk, but fails to see opportunity. Banks prefer stability to growth, and, as a result, dynamic companies are provided inadequate financing alternatives or no financing at all. In the rare case when traditional bank financing has been made available, it is often insufficient in amount and includes substantial covenant protections, including stringent earnings to fixed charges and financial coverage ratios, and many others.

Learn more about how we assist companies with their credit financings ►


  • Stability over growth
  • Restrictive, covenant heavy
  • Slow with regard to approval and business development

Alternative Lenders

Alternative lenders are quite different than traditional banks. Alternative lenders are often family offices or funds that have set aside capital to lend to growing companies. Contrary to traditional banks, alternative lenders enjoy working with high growth companies. They provide flexible financing solutions through ABL, purchase order, invoice, inventory, equipment, term loan, and other forms of credit, as well as merger and acquisition finance. Additionally, as they are typically unregulated, they act substantially more quickly and are more nimble with respect to business developments.


  • Covenant free or light
  • Fast approval
  • Flexible
  • Enjoy working with growing companies

We have been fortunate to meet and develop extensive relationships with a large number of the alternative lenders in the United States. If your company is looking for credit financing, we would love to discuss how we can help you secure the best possible financing for your needs. As ClearThink Capital is generally compensated solely by our client companies and generally does not accept referral fees or commissions from lenders, we, unlike our competitors, are highly incentivized to provide access to credit financing on superior terms with limited or no covenant coverage.

Let’s discuss how we can assist you with your credit financing. Get in touch with our team below.